I was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1961 and started my interest in photography at the age of eight. I later took control of the spare bedroom in my mother's house, turning it into a full time dark room and enjoyed 35 years of shooting in B&W on film before moving to digital photography in 2006.
I worked as a cameraman for the BBC from 1986 to 2008 then moved to Guernsey where I retrained as an accountant. Now working part-time as an accountant, Sam has returned to his creative roots and is looking for commissions in portraiture and weddings.
Until recently, I was a life long Olympus user, shooting with the Pen-F and primes or on the OM System OM-1 with the f2.8 Pro zooms.
Now, my main cameras to use are the Leica SL2, which I use for colour portrait and wedding work and a Leica Q2 Monochrome camera which shoots exclusively in B&W.
When not at work or sitting at his Mac editing his photographs, Sam can often be seen walking around St Peter Port with his two mini schnauzers, Rosie and Edie, and his camera.
e-mail: st61@cwgsy.net